Monday, June 22, 2015

About this blog...

Seraphina, one of my prayer partners.

Recently during my “midday” prayer time, I thought about how much of my prayer seems to be “hoofing it.” That is, prayed on the run, or moving around, or in the middle of doing other things. Some of those are prayers I pray regularly when driving or taking a shower or engaged in other mundane activities. Some are arrow prayers. Some, longer prayers which I may come back to and write down.

Once upon a time, which is to say, a couple decades or so ago and in my imagination, I thought it would be fun to gather some of the prayers I said, or had written down, into a little book of/about prayer for my children. That never did happen. But during that recent midday prayer time, I thought about that old idea and decided to use a blog as a home range for some of my prayers, reflections on prayer, and perhaps some prayer related poems. And maybe some photos. Let them all graze here, so to speak.

After a little time getting the blog started, I decided I would not be able to ignore the large elephant that shows up in almost every room I spend time in. The elephant is Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder.Especially anything involving Executive Function. That includes things like remembering what you were just about to say or do, having some sense of how much time has passed while you are working on something or of how much time you need to get ready on time. And more. Planning, organizing, deciding… all those important ways of thinking and doing that most people take for granted. So some of my posts, will deal with topics related to struggling with ADHD.

“Prayers on the Hoof” came to mind not only in relation to hoofing it, but to “beef on the hoof.” I wondered how vegan/vegetarian family and friends would respond to this meaning, related to the amount or value of the meat after the cow is butchered. But since no animals are being killed or eaten, perhaps they won’t mind. And I hope no prayers will be killed in the making or reading of this blog.

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