Monday, July 13, 2015

First prayer learned “by heart”?

What was the first prayer you learned “by heart”?

For me, as far as I can remember now, it was “Jesus, Tender Shepherd,” a bedtime prayer. My mother taught it to me,  telling me it was the prayer she said when she was growing up.

A small flock of sheep and lambs walking past a tree with leafy branches, down a hill, barn in distance.
A flock of sheep in Wales

“Jesus, tender shepherd, hear me,
bless thy little lamb tonight
through the darkness be Thou near me.
keep me safe ‘til morning light.”

    -- written by Mary Lundie Duncan, the year before she died (1814-1840)

Tabby cat curled up between his water dish and little stuffed panda.
Michael the Archangelic, curled up to rest next to toy panda.

I assumed that this prayer my mother learned so long ago, which had been written even longer ago, would have pretty much disappeared by now, but I Googled it anyway. To my surprise, it still seems to be in use both as a song and as a bedtime prayer. For instance, it is played and sung simply in this YouTube video featuring pictures of sheep of different breeds, ages, and states of shearing.:

And in this “Jesus Tender Shepherd Hear Me” YouTube video, “Emily Button Russell shares a story of her son's favorite prayer.” About 88 when this was taped, Emily tells the story about her son learning the prayer and her response to his wanting to change one of the words, then sings it herself. I ended up checking out some other videos of her stories, just because I thought she was a fun, spunky woman.

Do you remember the first prayers you learned or who taught you? How you felt about the prayer or the way you were taught?

One thing that I find interesting, as I remember learning "Tender Shepherd," is that even though we always knelt to pray in church, my mother taught me to say it lying in my bed. Perhaps she thought bedtime would be easier if she got me into bed before the prayer than persuading me I really did have to go to bed after I said it. I did say this prayer, in bed, nightly, at least until some time in high school.

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